Sunday, October 21, 2007

Visit with the Turbides...

Last Thursday and Friday Dustin's good friend Peter and his wife Ashley were in Jacksonville and hung out with us. Peter has been stationed in Bahrain for the past year. For the next six months he will be in Pensacola and after that he and Ashley will be headed out to SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA where he will be stationed for a while (however long that is). Ah, how Dustin and I would love to live in San Diego...who knows maybe we will depending on what job offers are presented to him around graduation time. Anyway, we had such a wonderful time with them...we miss them terribly already! I never thought I could do so much eating in just 2 days! We took them to all of our favorite places...including Rita's Italian Ice! The picture I've attached was taken in St. Augustine.

--Our Fall semester is coming to an end and finals and many projects are due soon.
--Job offers for Dustin
--Ashley and Peter (and Ashley is graduating in May '08)

Dustin loves a good o'l caramel candy apple! He's not one for sweets so I had to capture this his lips were super blue from the sprinkles! Haha