Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Three: Thinking about My Relationships

"You can thrive in your careers, acquire wealth and reputation, even experience tremendous impact in your ministry. But if your relationships are languishing, nothing else matter." -Tom Holladay

Did you know Jesus believes that Nothing is more important than relationships?

"From the beginning to end, nothing is more important than relationships. In the beginning, God created you for relationships. He made you to relate to him and to others. Miss out on relationships, and you're missing the core reason for which God put you on this planet. And in the end, nothing is more important, because nothing will last longer than relationships. Your relationships with God and others will last all the way into eternity ... A life without relationships may well be a simpler life, but it is also an empty life." - Tom Holladay.

"'The most important [commandment]', answered Jesus, 'is this: ...'Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" (Mark 12:29-31). The path to putting God first starts with the word all.

My church is doing a 40 day campaign on LOVE and the book we are reading through this journey is titled The Relationship Principles of Jesus by Tom Holladay, Teaching Pastor, at Saddleback Church. This devotional book is PROFOUND. It walks you day by day, step by step, through how to live out six foundational truths taught by Jesus. This book will truly help transform my (your) relationships! I strongly encourage everyone to look into reading this devotional with a friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, small group, etc. It's already changing my life and I'm only on day 3!
