Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Miss Mia

It's been a while since I've updated you all. Bare with me because this will most likely be a LONG post. We've been so busy lately, sorry! Here's the latest...

-We got a puppy!
-We survived TS Fay
-I started my LAST semester at UNF today!

This past Sunday, Dustin and I added a new addition to our family, Mia. Mia is our 2.5 month old toy poodle. She's so sweet,so cute and so small! As I was walking her this afternoon a girl stopped me and she "she's got to be the smallest puppy I've ever seen; she looks like a stuffed animal!"
I totally forgot how HARD it is to potty train a pup. She's doing good ... she has little pee-pee accidents every now and then, granted it's the size of a rain drop but I don't want her to think she can do that just anywhere. She doesn't really like the grass, she's quite the Diva! I'm reconsidering naming her that name instead...teehee. She is full of energy and I guess I'm getting old because I'm so tired! LOL I feel bad for her because she goes to the vet Thursday for her shots :(

Out little girl ...

Dustin and Mia

Reagan and Mia having a good time!

Tropical Storm Fay came through our area and stayed for a WHILE last week. Our apartment has a roof leak because of the storm and our area experienced a lot of flooding. Other than that we survived it!

University of North FL

Today was the first day of my LAST semester at UNF. As you can imagine, I'm very, very excited. I'm taking a total of three classes, this includes my internship with Jacksonville Magazine. My other two classes are Mass Communication Research, not too fun. It's all about how to research and ofcourse we have massive writing assignments. We have two projects due in this class. One involves groups and the group must write a 15-17 page research proposal. We also have a concept explication which involves a comprehensive explication of a mass communications concept and the analysis and evaluation of the past research on the concept and this paper is only 5-6 pages in length. My third class is Public Relations Campaigns and it's a hands-on approach to public relations planning. The entire class will work as a full service public relations/advertising agency to develop a complete integrated communication plan which includes research, goals and objectives, implementation, and evaluation, for a non-profit organization. The client is REAL and we found out that the client is Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary The mission of Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary is to provide a safe environment to many of the great cat species that are endangered or threatened due to loss of natural habitat. Our primary focus is in the rescue of cats from serious situations. As a class we will work with this client and create a plan that best meets its needs. The class is basically being transformed into a business and each class member has to apply for a position (i.e. account manager, account executive, campaign director, etc.). We have to have a cover letter and resume and we are to get in front of the class and tell everyone why we feel we are qualified for the position. I'm really excited about this class!

Things have been going well at the internship. Some days are more exciting than others. I just finished writing copy for our Top Dentist issue that will come out in October's issue. I'm excited for the upcoming events we will have booths at (i.e. Caring Chef's, Southern Women's Show, Home and Patio Show).

Other than that we are doing very well. We're looking forward to our cruise in December as well as my graduation. It's been quite the year for us and we are stoked about everything!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! :-)

The Kirkland's said...

Glad to hear everything is going well. Mia is soo cute. Puppies are so hard to train..John and I got one when we first got married but had to get rid of him when I got pregnant becasue he was really big. I think puppies are harder to take care of than babies..lol